"Leading With Heart: Harnessing Emotional Intelligence In Leadership"



MBA (2024-26)


Emotional intelligence (EI) is a game changer in the realm of leadership. From university classrooms to corporate boardrooms, the ability to understand and manage your emotions, as well as recognize and influence the emotions of those around you, is crucial. Emotional intelligence isn't just a buzzword; it' s a core competency for successful leaders. In business school, Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a crucial asset for student leaders. It involves understanding your own feelings and managing them, while also being aware of and influencing the emotions of others. 

Imagine leading a team project: a student leader with high EI can recognize when team members are stressed or disengaged and address these issues effectively. For instance, if a group presentation is approaching and team members are feeling overwhelmed, an emotionally intelligent leader will provide support, offer encouragement, and help resolve any conflicts. Additionally, when managing a club committee with members from diverse psychological and social backgrounds, EI helps in understanding varying perspectives and fostering an inclusive environment. By focusing on self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management, you can create a positive team environment, handle feedback gracefully, and improve collaboration. 

Mastering EI in business school not only boosts your leadership skills but also helps you excel in your academic and team-based activities.


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